Brothers Chris and Gerald Coale proudly show off their calves for the camera in Brazoria County, Texas, 1940. Texas 4-H has been a mainstay of Texas Traditions with Extension being a proud partner since its inception in 1915. For the history buffs… T.M. (Tom) Marks, county agricultural agent, organized the first boys’ “corn club” in Jack County in 1908. Marks often told folks he was more successful teaching new production technology to the youth than to the adults! Within a matter of years, “pig clubs,” “beef calf clubs” and girls’ “tomato clubs” were also initiated in other counties across the state. The stage was set for the rapid expansion of educational programs directed to rural youth.
Fast forward to today… Did you know that 4-H enrollment in Texas has grown from the original 25 corn club members in Jack County in 1908 to more than one million youth in 2000? Youth involved participate in programming like robotics, global citizenship, horticulture and photography!