DSHS News Releases
Updates 4/02/2021
Headlines (UPDATED)
- For next week, at least 2,011 Texas providers in 200 counties will receive 1,094,920 first doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
- The federal government has directly allocated an estimated 900,000 additional doses (first and second doses) to pharmacy locations, dialysis centers, and federally qualified health centers.
- Everyone 16 years old or older is eligible to get vaccinated now.
- Pfizer is the only vaccine currently authorized for 16 and 17-year-olds.
- Updated CDC travel guidance says people who are fully vaccinated can safely travel within the US and they don’t need to get tested or quarantine before or after travel unless their destination requires it.
- Providers have been directed to give priority to anyone 80 years old or older when scheduling vaccinations and to allow them to go to the front of the line at vaccination sites.
- This week DSHS launched the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler at getthevaccine.dshs.texas.gov, which allows people to register for a vaccine appointment from a participating public health entity such as DSHS and some local health departments.
- Texas providers have administered more than 11.8 million doses of vaccine. More than 7.7 million people have received at least one dose, and over 4.3 million have been fully vaccinated.
- Residents of all 254 counties have been vaccinated, and 64% of vaccinated people were vaccinated in the county where they live.
- 99.32% of the vaccine administered in Texas has been administered to people who live in Texas.
Vaccine Distribution and Administration (UPDATED)
- As of April 2, Texas providers have administered more than 11.8 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
- More than 7.7 million people have received at least one dose, and over 3.7 million are fully vaccinated.
- DSHS orders second/booster doses to arrive in time to administer to recipients at the appropriate time (three weeks later for Pfizer; four weeks later for Moderna).
- DSHS has ordered more than 626,290 second doses to be delivered this week.
Hub Sites (UPDATED)
- Texas continues to supply vaccine to hundreds of small providers in communities across the state.
- Roughly half of the state’s allotment of vaccine is being directed to hub sites that will provide more people the vaccine and a simpler way to sign up for an appointment.
- Hub providers agree to:
- Vaccinate people in Texas’ priority groups.
- Vaccinate people regardless of where they live.
- Vaccinate equitably in the hardest-hit areas and demographics.
- Use all doses each week.
- Promptly report the doses administered.
- Hub providers will continue to receive weekly allocations of vaccine so they can plan future vaccination efforts.
- The goal with the hub providers is to provide identifiable sites where people in priority populations can sign up to be vaccinated so they don’t have to call a long list of providers every week looking for vaccine. And to ensure those providers have a steady supply of vaccine.
Evergreen messages
- Information gathered in large-scale clinical trials and thoroughly reviewed by scientists at the FDA shows that the vaccines are safe and effective.
- Vaccine is in limited supply, and supply is expected to increase over the coming months as manufacturing and distribution ramp up and more vaccines are likely authorized by the FDA.
- The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses for maximum protection, so people will need to get a second dose of the same vaccine three to six (Pfizer) or four to six (Moderna) weeks later.
- The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires one dose.
- The vaccine will be provided free of charge to anyone who wants it. For people with insurance, insurance will cover any fee to administer it by the provider. People without insurance won’t be charged.
- Getting vaccinated is voluntary, and people cannot be required to get the vaccine because it is being administered under an emergency use authorization, not as a fully licensed vaccine.
- People still need to take precautions like physical distancing and wearing a mask to help stop the spread of COVID-19 as people get vaccinated and we learn more about the immunity produced by the vaccines.
Eligible populations (Updated)
- Texas is vaccinating everyone 16 and older.
- Only the Pfizer vaccine is authorized for 16 and 17-year-olds.
- Providers have been directed to give priority to anyone 80 years old or older when scheduling vaccinations and to allow them to go to the front of the line at vaccination sites.
- Providers with waiting lists are encouraged to vaccinate people in the priority populations before moving on to the general adult population.
Vaccine Information
- View the FDA’s fact sheets for recipients and caregivers: Pfizer | Moderna| Johnson & Johnson
- The Moderna vaccine is available in minimum orders of 100, ships frozen and can be stored for up to 30 days in a refrigerator.
- The Pfizer vaccine is available in minimum orders of 1,170, ships and is stored at ultra-cold temperatures of -80°C for six months, can be stored up to two weeks at -25° to -15° C, and up to five days in a refrigerator.
- The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is available in minimum orders of 100, ships at 2°C to 8°C, and can be stored for up to 3 months in a refrigerator.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women should discuss their options with their health care provider.
- The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires one dose.
- Like Pfizer and Moderna, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is extremely effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.
- The CDC recommends that the vaccine be offered to people regardless of whether they have a history of COVID-19 infection.
- People with active infections should wait until their infection has resolved before getting vaccinated.
- Because all three vaccines are extremely effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalization and death, the CDC and DSHS recommend people take the first vaccine available to them.
- Vaccine is given as an injection into the muscle in a series of two doses given three to six weeks apart (Pfizer), four to six weeks apart (Moderna) or as a single dose (Johnson & Johnson).
- Side effects include fatigue, headache, fever, chills, nausea, muscle pain and joint pain. These side effects show that the vaccine is working and resolve within a day or two.
- Vaccine recipients should be monitored for at least 15 minutes for a more serious allergic reaction. People who have a history of severe allergic reactions should be monitored for 30 minutes.
- Recipients will get a vaccination card showing which vaccine and lot number they received and when they should return for a second dose.
- Providers should encourage recipients to use V-safe, a smartphone-based tool from the CDC that provides personalized health check-ins by text and web survey.
Vaccine Providers
- Health care providers must enroll as a COVID-19 vaccine provider to be eligible to receive the vaccine.
- Providers include medical practices, pharmacies, hospitals, long-term care facilities, health centers, health departments, correctional facilities, and others.
- Vaccine will be provided at no cost by the CDC and shipped directly to vaccine providers along with supplies needed to administer it, such as syringes, needles, etc.
Vaccine Information Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Toolkit
DSHS main Vaccine Information page