As distributed via Dr. Angela Burkham 11/9/2020
For the purpose of this document, the term “digital product” includes new websites (whether hosted by AgriLife Extension or elsewhere), new online courses (regardless of where hosted), digital videos, and establishing a new presence on one or more social media platforms (including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
In an effort, to provide an improved web experience for AgriLife Extension customers, we are beginning to more closely monitor our overall web presence and make steps toward better integration of web-based content with the ultimate-goal of having all web-based content housed under a single website for the agency. This would provide Agency personnel with an outlet for posting digital materials while allowing visitors to engage with all that Extension has to offer in a single website. This document describes the workflow of decision making as new digital products are proposed. Within the next few days an automated electronic submission system will be provided. Do not submit requests directly to a Professional Services Unit.
Step 1 – Idea Generation & Initial Screening
Responsible: Agents, Specialists, ADHs/PLs and RPLs
As personnel consider the best tools to meet customer needs, they may propose one or more digital products. To the extent possible, an assessment must be conducted to determine the demand for the proposed product and identify any potential competition for the type of product being proposed. They should vet the ideas with their colleagues, potential audience members, or others before proposing the idea to the relevant RPL or ADH/PL, whose approval is needed to move the idea forward. If approved, the concept will advance to Step 2.
Step 2 – CLT Screening
Responsible: ADH/PLs and RPLs
Once the RPL and/or ADH/PL has approved, the concept will be shared with other ADHs and RPLs as well as the appropriate Associate Director based upon the subject matter. This will help to identify other similar ideas or products that already exist or are also under consideration for development. Once the idea is refined based on this information, the concept will move to Step 3.
Step 3 – Associate Director Approval
With the information generated in previous steps, approval to proceed must then be granted by either Dan Hale or Courtney Dodd, depending on the content being developed. This approval is to move the content forward Step 4.
Step 4 – Basic Market Analysis & Content Development
Responsible: AgriLife Digital Engagement Team and AgriLife Marketing & Communications Team
Review the proposal and the assessment to determine the demand for the proposed product and identify any potential competition for the type of product being proposed. In this step, potential product pricing will also be assessed.
Once the analysis is completed, the relevant review team will notify the agent/specialist as well as the relevant administrators, including the associate director, of the findings. If the associate director concludes that the project should move forward, then the agent or specialist will work with an individual from the corresponding team to move the content into a digital format.
Step 5 – Formal Peer Review
Responsible: ADH/PLs
Once the idea is approved and broadly vetted, the detailed content should be developed, reviewed and maintained by a panel of experts. This will ensure that the content being disseminated by AgriLife Extension is based on current, accurate information. The process is to be managed by an ADH/PL. Peer review is as critical for digital products as it is for other types of output generated by agents or specialists.